
Use the links below to find out more about how to easily book, change, or cancel a GP appointment.

How to book an appointment

If you’re a Widcombe Surgery patient and you wish to book a non-urgent appointment with a GP or nurse please call or visit the surgery. GP appointments are booked in 10-minute intervals. Nurse appointment lengths will vary dependent on the nature of the requirement.

From the 19th September 2024, requests for urgent on the day appointments with a GP should be made via our online form.

How to change an appointment 

If you can no longer make your appointment, you can change it by responding to your appointment reminder text or calling into the surgery.

How to cancel an appointment

Find out how to cancel your appointment if you can no longer make it. You will receive confirmation that your appointment has been cancelled.

Requests for Urgent Appointments

From the 19th September 2024, if you are a Widcombe patient and wish to book an urgent on the day appointment with a GP, you will need to request this using our online system. Select the medical Request Box and click new condition.