Mission Statement and Values

Please click here to see the our surgery Mission Statement & Values

Mission statement


Widcombe Surgery aims to provide high quality health care in a responsive, supportive, courteous and cost-effective manner.


We will:

  • Provide a service which puts patient welfare at the heart of all we do
  • Work within the framework of NHS Primary Care Services to provide professional medical, nursing and other services which meet the identified needs of patients
  • Promote best practice through utilising specialist expertise within the practice team and externally and encouraging the continuous professional development of all members of the practice team
  • Nurture a culture which is innovative, forward looking and adaptable
  • Take into account the evidence provided by scientific and medical research in our treatment




Caring for well being in body, mind, spirit and relationships

Conveying compassion in word and action

Assessing and responding to needs

Providing an appropriate range of services

Maintaining a health promoting environment


Respecting all

Showing courtesy

Seeking to understand

Treating all fairly

Valuing each person as a unique individual

Being especially supportive to the vulnerable


Working as a team

Relating well within the team

Valuing the contribution of each team member

Building a mutually supportive environment

Co-operating with other teams

Encouraging responsible involvement by our patients



Speaking and acting truthfully

Being accountable for our actions


Learning and improving

Adapting to change

Building on achievements

Developing our services