Suggestions, comments and complaints

Comments and Suggestions

We welcome all comments and suggestions on the services provided by the Practice.

We are continually looking to turn out patients’ feedback into real improvements in the services we provide. We use it to focus on the things that matter most to our patients, carers and their families.

We would like to hear from you if you have a suggestion on how we can do things better to
improve our patients’ experiences. We’d also like to hear from you if you are pleased with the service you’ve received.

You can write to the Practice Manager  (details below) and they will let the staff involved know and share the good practice across our teams.

Complaints and Concerns

Who should I complain to?

It is sincerely hoped that any complaint or concern you have about the Practice can be dealt with by those responsible for ensuring patient care an delivery of services within the Practice, as our experience tells us that by dealing with them directly, concerns can often be sorted out quickly and to your satisfaction.  In the first instance please contact the Practice Manager (details below)  who will deal with the complaint/concern directly.

Practice Manager
Widcombe Surgery
3-4 Widcombe Parade
01225 310883

There may be times when you feel this is inappropriate, or you may not be happy with the results of the complaints procedure. You have the right, therefore, to direct your complaint to the following:

NHS England
Telephone: 0300 311 2233

A copy of our practice complaints policy is attached below.