Medical services and clinics

Below are the services and clinics available in your area.

Cervical smears

All women between the age of 20 and 65 should have a regular smear test every three to five years. We send out appointment reminders to all of our patients to let you know when your next smear is due.

Child development

We send out appointments for regular checks and immunisations for pre-school children. This is to make sure that our doctors and health visitors can check that children are developing normally and that there’s nothing to worry about.


Parents, carers and healthcare professionals can access expert advice about common childhood illnesses and how to treat them via a mobile app, called HANDi App. It is free and can be downloaded to any Apple or Android smartphone or tablet.

Developed and approved by Paediatric Consultants here at the RUH, the HANDi App provides expert advice on how best to manage the six most common childhood illnesses; diarrhoea and vomiting, high temperature, chestiness, newborn problems and stomach pain.

The HANDi App aims to give parents and carers more confidence in dealing with minor conditions at home.

It’s easy to use as it takes the user through a series of questions about the symptoms their child is experiencing and then advises on the best course of action, whether that’s to treat at home, make a GP appointment or to go to A&E.

To download the free HANDi App, please use the following links:

Download from:

Download from:

Counsellors and advice services

Find out about local counsellors and advice services. You can access these services by speaking to your GP or the surgery's receptionist.

Complementary Medicine

The following practitioners offer private services to our patients and work from the Surgery.

Please contact them to get further details and prices.

Drugs and alcohol

Alcohol is sociable and will not damage your health in small quantities. More information about acceptable quantities is available at the  drinkaware website.

Drugs are never good! If you feel you have a problem with drugs or alcohol any of the Doctors at the Surgery will be happy to discus things with you. Local help for Drugs & Alcohol is available through:

Smoking Cessation

NHS (BANES) offer a free Stop Smoking Service, offering support and advice to smokers who want to stop smoking or to cut down the amount they smoke. Please contact HCRG Care Group – Community Wellbeing Hub Bath And North East Somerset (BANES) on 0300 247 0203 or visit

Contraceptive services

Our doctors and nurses give confidential advice on all aspects of family planning, including coil fitting and emergency contraception.

Health screening

We offer a wide range of health screening for men and women at our surgery.


Women aged between 50 and 60 are advised to attend the Breast Screening Unit every three years for a mammography. This is to make sure we can check and detect any abnormalities as soon as possible. These appointments are sent out by the local Breast Unit.

Find breast screening services.

Maternity care

Our antenatal and postnatal clinics are held at our surgery by our doctors and midwives.

Minor surgery

We are able to perform a number of minor skin operations if they are medically indicated. Please make an appointment with a doctor if you wish to discuss this.

In line with national guidance we are normally unable to provide treatment for ‘cosmetic’ conditions such as Verrucas & Warts, Skin Tags and Moles (unless they have changed recently). If you are worried about a skin lesion then please see your Doctor for advice.

Travel advice, vaccinations and immunisations

We offer routine vaccinations and general advice to our patients travelling abroad.

It may take up to eight weeks for a full course of vaccinations, so please contact us in advance to give you plenty of time if you’re planning to go abroad where you need to be vaccinated.

Non-NHS services

Some services available are not covered under our contract with the NHS. This means that these services need to be paid for.

The services that include charges are:

  • Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements
  • Insurance claim forms
  • Passport signing
  • Prescriptions for taking medication abroad
  • Private sick notes
  • Vaccination certificates.

Our reception staff and GPs will be happy to talk through the charges with you during your appointment.

Schedule of fees 2023